Our Team

Digital-first Communication Campaigns

Reuben Solomon
Reuben SolomonFounder
Reuben Solomon is a digital media adviser with extensive experience in digital strategy, campaigns, and reputation management across government and the private sector. Reuben has worked with prominent political leaders, private family offices, and corporations, utilising his communication and digital skills to deliver results for his clients.

Reuben has experience working at Lynton Crosby’s C|T Group, as Head of Digital for the UK Conservative Party, Special Adviser to the Foreign Secretary, led the digital for Liz Truss’s leadership campaign, and served as Head of Digital and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister.

Andrew Wong
Andrew WongDigital Adviser
Andrew Wong is an established digital adviser, having worked across high-profile campaigns for UK Prime Ministers including Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, as a Special Adviser in 10 Downing Street.

Andrew has a wealth of experience advising on digital best practice and execution across government and the private sector. He works alongside Ridgeway’s consultants and leadership team to deliver for clients, developing the consultancy’s creative campaigns, from brand development to execution.

Anita Injeeli
Anita InjeeliDigital Adviser
Anita Injeeli is a digital communications adviser with a deep expertise in political operations and communication, crafting strategies and developing messaging into digital products that resonate with target audiences.

Anita has led over a hundred political engagements for three British Prime Ministers, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, and managed key political operations for the former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt MP.

Our team have run digital campaigns across:

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